Sunday, January 6, 2008


The rain scourged the timbers of the skiff incessantly
And its soft patter induced melancholy thoughts
And the wind whistled as it flew down
Into the boat’s battered bottom through a rift
Where some loose splinters of wood were rattling together
A disquieting & depressing sound
The waves of the river were splashing on the shore
And sounded so monotonous & hopeless
Just as if they were something unbearably dull & heavy
Which was boring them into utter disgust
Something from which they wanted to run away
And yet were obliged to talk about all the same;
The sound of the rain blended with their splashing
And the long-drawn sigh seemed to be floating above,
The overturned skiff;- the endless laboring sigh of the earth
Injured & exhausted by the external changes
From the bright & warm summer to the cold; misty; damp autumn
The wind blew continually over the desolate shore & foaming river
Blew & sang it’s melancholy songs .

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